The Malvern Panalytical X'pert Alpha diffractometer was installed in the department in 2003. It originally had a high resolution configuration similar to that of the Empyrean alpha 1, but has the high resolution monochromator has since become unusable and the instrument is now used in high-intensity Alpha 1,2 configuration similar to that of the Bruker Advance Eco. The settings on the instrument are not to be changed, making it a reliable choice for high resolution measurements and producing comparable data.
Source: Cu
Monochromator: none
Primary optics: 0.04 radian soller slits, 10 mm mask, programmable divergence slit (kept fixed at 1/2 degree), fixed primary antiscatter slit of 1 degree.
secondary optics: 0.04 radian (or removed) changeable soller slits, fixed antiscatter slit of 5 degree.
Detector: Xcelerator 1D, 2.122 degree active length
Sample Stages: Spinner stage, Flat bracket stage.
Min/ Max angle: 3 - 150